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About Malaysian Society of Adjudictors
The Malaysian Society of Adjudicators (Persatuan Ajudikator Malaysia) was founded in 2013 with the objective of promoting Adjudication in Malaysia.
With more than 200 members the Society is one of the largest groups of Adjudicators in Malaysia.
What We Do
The objectives of the Society are :
To promote Adjudication as a means of dispute resolution
To provide a communication channel and means of cooperation between members of the society and other bodies associated with adjudication both locally and overseas.
To cooperate with other professional bodies having the same common interests in adjudication.
To provide training and further education for members, and those desiring to become Adjudicators in Malaysia.
To arrange for meetings, seminars, workshops etc. related to Adjudication.
To promote the ethical and professional standards of service and professional conduct of members.
To publish literature pertaining to Adjudication, and to disseminate widely the practice and law of Adjudication.
To regulate the conduct of its members.